Cold Mix Asphalts
Kao's range of cationic and anionic asphalt emulsifiers ranging from slow set to rapid set and providing excellent stability and adhesion properties.

Chip Seal | Surface Dressing, Tack coat
Kao's cationic rapid setting emulsifiers can be used to make asphalt emulsion for chip seals and tack coating.

Micro-surfacing and Slurry Seals
Kao's cationic quick setting emulsifiers and co-emulsifiers can be used to design slurry seals and micro-surfacing mixes, using a wide range of aggregate types.

Cold Mix Recycling and Prime Coat
Kao's cationic slow setting emulsifiers make highly stable emulsions and provide strong adhesion with aggregates.

Asphalt Paints and Waterproofing
Kao's anionic range of emulsifiers specifically formulated for specialty applications like asphalt paints and waterproofing.

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